January to November 2010 (11 months)
Context: A new SharePoint environment has been deployed and we needed to customize some functionalities. The purpose was to create custom workflows to manage asks from contractors for FOD Economie.
- SharePoint 2007 development
- Analysis of the process
- Compare the different translation technologies
- Test and implement these technologies
- Develop the custom workflows with C# and ASPX pages
- TimerJobs
- Search Crawl with PowerShell
- Create Office templates as default document for SharePoint Document Libraries
- Use Office documents meta-data
- Advanced WSP packaging (XML and WSP Builder)
- People development: Coaching and Training (to end users and developers)
- Make documentation and training supports
Environments: MS Windows Server 2003, MS SharePoint 2007, MS SQL 2005
Tools: MS Visual Studio 2005 & 2008, MS SharePoint Designer, IE Dev Toolbar, WSPBuilder, SPMetal
Technologies: C#, ASP.Net, JavaScript, HTML